The IDS Group has developed the following projects:
ADPP View - Agricultural Drainage Planning Program
ADPP View is a menu-driven computer program that assists in analysis and design of existing and proposed agricultural drainage systems.
Application of Remote Sensing Technnologies to Estimate Evapotranspiration
The Application of Remote Sensing Technologies project by the Alliance Universities [Central State University (CeSU), the lead University, Colorado State University (CoSU), Bowling Green State University (BGSU), Cleveland State University (CleSU), Ohio Aerospace Institute (OAI), University of Toledo (UT) and Wright State University (WSU)], is a cooperative agreement, funded by the Water 2025 Initiative, between the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR), and the Alliance Universities. The primary goals of the project are to investigate existing satellite technologies and associated algorithms for the measurement of evaporation-transpiration (ET), to develop the most promising of these technologies into tools for Reclamation's management of water resources and to refine of existing Reclamation ET methodologies especially in the riparian zones.
Arkansas River Basin Irrigation Monitoring
The IDS Group along with other Colorado State University (CSU) researchers are conducting intensive field studies in the Arkansas River basin in Colorado evaluating issues pertaining to irrigation-induced waterlogging and salinity problems. CSU is currently monitoring irrigation timing and amount in approximately 24 fields.
Arkansas River Basin Salinity Mapping
This research is designed to provide tools for field scale mapping of salinity in the Arkansas River in southeastern Colorado. The Arkansas River Basin experiences salinity levels in the canal systems along the river that increase from 300 ppm total dissolved solids (TDS) near Pueblo to over 4,000 ppm at the Colorado-Kansas border.
Big Thompson Watershed Forum
The goals of this Forum are to conduct watershed assessment, identify protection measures, educate affected interests, and promote voluntary practices that protect the Big Thompson Watershed and the quality of its waters. The IDS Group provides technical expertise to support these goals.
CSUID - The Colorado State University Irrigation and Drainage Model
The CSUID Model is a three-dimensional groundwater flow model for agricultural areas. It models solute transport through the soil profile and considers irrigation scheduling and drainage design for individual crop water requirements.
GDP - Graphical Data Processor
Used to prepare STORET, WATSTORE, and ASCII delimited water quality files for modeling. It allows users to aggregate data from different stations, convert files to consistent units of measure, and determine and graph periods of data availability.
HPAT - Habitat Potential Analysis Tools
The Habitat Potential Assessment Tool (HPAT) was developed as a new extension to the South Platte Mapping and Analysis Program (SPMAP) to integrate wetlands and other wildlife habitat enhancement considerations into water resources planning support, particularly for conjunctive management of groundwater and surface water resources in the lower South Platte River Valley of Colorado.
IDS AWAS - Alluvial Water Accounting System
AWAS can calculate river depletions using the Stream Depletion Factor method (Jenkins, 1968) or the The Analytical Stream Depletion method developed in 1987 by Dewayne R. Schroeder.
IDS PLSS Locator - Integrated Decision Support Public Land Survey System Locator
IDS has developed this program to help users identify UTM coordinates for wells if PLSS information is known and to identify PLSS information for wells if UTM coordinates are known.
IDSCU - Integrated Decision Support Consumptive Use Model
The CU Model is a windows 95/98/NT interface with monthly and daily ET estimation methods, a soil moisture budget, water supply components, and the ability to query information stored in HYDROBASE (maintained by the State of Colorado).
IPDSS - The Integrated Planning Decision Support System
The IPDSS can assess natural hazards and vulnerability caused by debris flows, landslides, and/or floods. IPDSS addresses disaster mitigation and urban planning issues.
IREM - The Integrated River Basin Environmental Management
System combines GIS, land use, habitat suitability indexes, economic models, and an optimization model to develop wildlife habitat management plans for river basins.
Multi-Criteria Model for Redbluff
The Multi-Criteria Model for Redbluff is a multi-criteria analysis tool for determining best management plans for salmon run restoration projects in the North- western United States.
NRWS - The Natural Resources Workstation
The Natural Resources Workstation is a comprehensive water supply DSS for managing water use in agricultural and natural resources management areas. It considers water delivery networks, evapotranspiration, water uses, and their relationship to land use planning and development.
RESET - Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration (ET)
Crop ET can be estimated using satellite images by applying an Energy Balance approach. The IDS Group has implemented a remote sensing algorithm similar to the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) which is a satellite image-processing methodology used for computing evapotranspiration (ET) for an entire satellite image. RESET, however, accounts for spatial and temporal variability by allowing more input from a number of weather stations
SDF View - Stream Depletion Factor Model
This model helps managers determine the lag time that pumping or recharge activities along unconfined river aquifers affect the surface water in the river.
SPGIS - South Platte Geographical Information System
The development of GIS themes for an ArcView model platform for well locations, Streamflow Depletion Factors (SDFs), satellite imagery, hydrography, and other themes that provide a comprehensive tool for mapping and analysis. Data (acres, crop types, and weather) can be transferred directly from SPGIS to SPCU for consumptive use calculations.
SPMAP - South Platte Mapping and Analysis Program Tools
The challenges facing water manager’s decision-making ability demands the development of sophisticated computer based testing technology to support decision making. In particular, there is a need to manage the conjunctive use of surface and groundwater resources. Three tools have been developed for the South Platte to meet these goals (SPGIS, IDSCU, SDF View, WellTools, IDS AWAS, IDS PLSS Locator).
WASP AT - Analysis Tools for WASP
WASP AT tools have been designed to simplify water quality modeling using Water Quality Analysis and Simulation Program (WASP).
WASP Builder - Wasp Input File Builder
WASP Builder illustrates river reach segments and exchanges between layers that are linked to parameter groups. It also simplifies the creation and modification of WASP parameter groups. It connects the parameter groups to this visual display.
WellTools - Well Tools for ArcView 3.x
This is a set of tools to help in locating wells and comparing wells locating using different mechanisms (legal description, footing calls or GPS). Users can locate wells from legal descriptions, locate wells from footing calls, compute the distance of wells obtained from different sources, and calculate the footing calls from a well location.
WetScape - Wetland Landscape and Hydrology Model
WetScape is a DSS for selection, assessment, and planning of created and/or restored wetlands for best management plans. WetScape contains basin-wide siting tools with flooding algorithms based topology, and analysis modules based on management goals and ecological conditions.