Colorado State University

GDP - Graphical Data Processor

Used to prepare STORET, WATSTORE, and ASCII delimited water quality files for modeling. It allows users to aggregate data from different stations, convert files to consistent units of measure, and determine and graph periods of data availability.

Current methods for preparing input files for water quality models such as EPA's WASP 5.0, used by federal government personnel and private users, are cumbersome and often become the major task of a water quality modeling projects. This Graphical Data Processor (GDP) has been designed to receive standard inputs from STORET, WATSTORE, and supplemental data in the form of delimited ASCII files. These data inputs can be pasted into WASP Builder to created input files for WASP5.

GDP is currently under development and maintained by the Integrated Decision Support Group (IDS) at Colorado State University. This software was made possible by funding from the USDI Bureau of Reclamation (USBR) and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

To download software and documentation for GDP, we would like some information about you. This is so we can determine the amount of interest in GDP and determine ways to improve the software.

Warranty and Disclaimer

This program is distributed with the hope that it will be useful. However, the Integrated Decision Support Group makes no warranties, expressed or implied, including, but not limited to performance, functionality, accuracy, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall the Integrated Decision Support Group be responsible for any damages, direct, indirect, or consequential, arising from the use of this software.

Please keep in mind that we will be adding additional features (possibly including suggestions we get from users :). We have tried to use several of the data sets provided by EPA as well as a couple of datasets created as part of modeling projects.


File Version Date Description
GDP 1.1.12 2003-03-07 Most recent version of software.
GDP 1.1.10 2001-01-25 Previous version of software.
gdp_man_v11.pdf 1.1 2000-04-22 Most recent version of user manual.
Changelog 2003-03-07 Summary of changes in each version.
gdp_broch.pdf 1999-07-22 Promotional Brochure. 1999-05-28 Zipped PowerPoint Presentation.