HPAT - Habitat Potential Analysis Tools
The Habitat Potential Assessment Tool (HPAT) was developed as a new extension to
the South Platte Mapping and Analysis Program (SPMAP) to integrate wetlands
and other wildlife habitat enhancement considerations into water resources planning
support, particularly for conjunctive management of groundwater and surface water
resources in the lower South Platte River Valley of Colorado.
This tool was developed by Cat Shrier as part of her doctoral
research and has since been integrated into the Comprehensive Pond
Site Assessment Model. Coding for the ArcView portions of this model
was graciously provided by Dave Patterson. This research was funded in
part by the Colorado Division of Wildlife, through a grant to the South
Platte Lower River Group, and in part by the U.S.Geological Survey (see statement below),
through a grant to the Colorado Water Resources Research Institute. For more information
on HPAT and CPSAM, contact Cat Shrier at cshrier@lamar.colostate.edu or (970) 217-9207.
The activities on which this model is based were financed in part by the Department
of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey, through the Colorado Water Resources Research
Institute. The content of this model and related publications do not necessarily reflect
the views and policies of the Department of the Interior, nor does the mention of trade
names or commercial products constitute endorsement by the United States Government.