IDS PLSS Locator - Integrated Decision Support Public Land Survey System Locator
The IDS PLSS Locator is a tool designed by the IDS Group to assist users in locating wells when either Public Land Survey System information is known or UTM coordinates are known.
Installing the IDS PLSS Locator
Downloading the PLSS Locator
Choose a setup type and run setup.exe from the downloaded zip file. PLSS shapefiles that have the field names that are recognized by the PLSS Locator program can be downloaded as well. We have also made available quad maps. Shapefiles and images cover the state of Colorado.
Important: If you already have IDS PLSS Locator installed on your computer, it must first be uninstalled before the new setup script is run.
The PLSS -> UTM conversion can be tricky because the PLSS fields must have the same format as the PLSS theme attributes, so here is an example using the BLM PLSS: