Colorado State University


A terrain-based interactive computer-assisted decision support system has been developed as part of the Western Wetlands and Riparian Habitat Initiative for the United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation by the Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Services Center and the Integrated Decision Support Group at Colorado State University. This system is called WetScape, to communicate that this system is a landscape approach to wetland modeling and analysis. WetScape provides resource analysis capabilities to facilitate water resource, watershed management, and wetland planning decisions. Initial efforts to support these capabilities have been incorporated from the Natural Resources Workstation (NRWS) developed by the Bureau of Reclamation, Technical Services Center and the Integrated Decision Support Group at Colorado State University (IDS, 1993). Development completed to date has focused on terrain-based analyses that can be applied to examine local or basin-wide landform characteristics. A modular approach is employed to provide convenient application of different types of resource analysis tools. The system framework is flexible to allow resource characteristics and management alternatives to be examined based on readily available spatial data before proceeding with more detailed investigations or undertaking activities that could affect water quality, water use, and related natural resources. The overall system framework and the functionality of the currently available resource analysis modules are described.