Colorado State University

SDF View - Stream Depletion Factor Model

This model helps managers determine the lag time that pumping or recharge activities along unconfined river aquifers affect the surface water in the river.

Water managers use Stream Depletion Factors (SDF) to determine the lag time from when irrigation well water is pumped and consumed from, or water is recharged to, an alluvial unconfined river aquifer and when a depletion or accretion happens in the river.

The platform for SDF View is a PC running Windows 95/98/NT. An SDF View User Manual can be downloaded as indicated below and is also available through online help within SDF View. SDF View can be run directly from the IDSCU Model to determine CU impacts on rivers.

Please direct any comments or questions to David Patterson.


File Version Date Description 2.0.11 2005-05-18 SDF View. The model algorithm has been changed -- see changelog for details.
Changelog 2005-05-18 List of changes in SDF View. 2.0.6 2004-04-30 Previous version of SDFView. 1.3.28 2004-01-27 SDF View. 1.2.8 2001-01-02 Previous version of SDF View.
sdfview_v12.pdf 1.2 1999-11-09 Latest version of the SDF View User Manual.
sdf.f 2004-03-02 Original USGS SDF fortran code used in the monthly SDF View computations. This is the model used by SDF View.