SPMAP - South Platte Mapping and Analysis Program Tools
Water managers in Colorado are facing competing demands for water: such as, sustaining irrigated food production, providing high quality water to growing populations; mimicking natural flow rhythms to protect aquatic habitats for endangered species; and meeting the growing water recreation needs. The challenges facing water manager’s decision-making ability demands the development of sophisticated computer based technology to support decision making in the hopes that all needs can be met. In particular, there is a need to upgrade current technology used to manage the conjunctive use of surface and ground water resources in the South Platte Basin.
Modern decision support systems employed to enhance water management involve carefully matching data acquisition system design, modeling, and user interfaces to meet manager's needs. New approaches to water research are being employed on this project. University researchers are working hand-in-hand with water managers so that the computer tools are carefully crafted to aid the decision process.
The South Platte mapping and analysis program tools are under development by the Integrated Decision Support Group (IDS), with cooperation from local water user organizations. The tools have all been developed in the Windows 95/98/NT environment and can be used in combinations or as stand-alone models.
Program tools
Tool | Description |
SPGIS | South Platte Geographical Information System - This is a Geographical Information System (GIS) based tool with data populated for the South Platte River Basin. This tool can be used to create input files for the CU Model based on spatial data for crops extent and weather station and well locations. |
SDF View | Stream Depletion Factor (SDF) Graphical User Interface - This interface can be used to determine SDF values based on user input. These values can then be entered into the CU Model. |
IDSCU | IDS Consumptive Use Model - This is a sophisticated model and interface for estimating consumptive use. The model contains multiple evapotranspiration and effective precipitation methods and can determine water use needs based on inputs from databases and the user. |
WellTools | Well Tools - A set of tools to help in locating wells and comparing the location of wells determined using different mechanisms (legal description, footing calls or GPS). This is an extension to ArcView version 3.x. |
IDS AWAS | IDS Alluvial Water Accounting System - IDS has developed this program to help users calculate stream depletions. The program is particularly useful for calculating depletions at sites close to the river. |
IDS PLSS Locator | IDS Public Land Survey System Locator - IDS has developed this program to help users identify UTM coordinates for wells if PLSS information is known and to identify PLSS information for wells if UTM coordinates are known. |