Colorado State University

IDS AWAS - Alluvial Water Accounting System

AWAS can calculate river depletions using the Stream Depletion Factor method (Jenkins, 1968) or the The Analytical Stream Depletion method developed in 1987 by Dewayne R. Schroeder. The latter method uses analytical equations described by Glover (Glover, 1977) and others. The AWAS model can calculate depletions using daily or monthly time steps. The user has the option to evaluate a number of different boundary conditions: alluvial, infinite, no flow, and effective SDF. Model input for AWAS can either be in the form of pumping records for each well consisting of a pumping rate and duration or net consumptive use or recharge in a daily or a monthly time step. Year type can be set to calendar, irrigation, or USGS. Data can be projected into the future or past based on historical records, and the effect of turning off the well by specifying an end date beyond the period of record can be simulated.


File Version Date Description 1.5.83 2013-10-30 Latest version of IDS AWAS.
vcredist_x86_2010.exe 2012-06-25 Additional Microsoft Windows libraries needed by IDS AWAS version 1.5.80 and above. Install this if you have a problem running IDS AWAS or if you are not sure your computer already has this installed.
2008 vcredist_x86.exe 2009-12-03 Additional Microsoft Windows libraries needed by IDS AWAS version 3.3.112 and above. Install this if you have a problem running IDS AWAS or if you are not sure your computer already has this installed. 1.5.39 2008-10-20 Previous version of IDS AWAS.
Changelog 2013-10-30 Log of changes in IDS AWAS. 1.5.3 2006-05-03 Previous version of IDS AWAS.
Recharge as Augmentation in the South Platte Paper Technical Report #21 by James Warner, Jon Altenhofen, Jack Odor, and Brandon Welch
Schroeder Paper Description of the Alluvial Stream Depletion Model.
Jenkins Paper Techniques for Computing Rate and Volume of Stream Depletion by Wells.
Quick Start Tutorial 1.0 2006-07-19 Previous version of IDS AWAS. 1.2.21 2004-06-25 AWAS Manual in Word Format.

Also see the AWAS parameter calculator tool for ArcGIS.